Living Beings

Good evening!

Today, I come back with new interesting tools. How many times have you made a mindmap? Without a doubt, you made it over thousand times considering that, they are useful for brainstorming, studying, presenting information, summarizing etc. What´s more, if your students get used to making it, they will develop their digital competence and learn an excellent study technique.

In this occasion, I offer you "collaborative mindmapping" where you could share your document with other classmates to work together on the same mindmap. Honestly, I recommend you Coggle or Mindmeister.

To my mind, Mindmeister offers you more possibilites than Coggle and you could design sophisticated mindmaps. Thanks to this website, you can include some pictures, videos and notes. Other options are: to attach documents, to change the structure of your mindmap and to insert links as well. In fact, you can visualise it through a quick look or in a presentation which allows you to introduce your creation to your students step by step. To sum up, a huge number of possibilities. Nevertheless, both are good options and now, it´s up to you! 

Personally, I made a mindmap about living beings with Mindmeister. If I´m sincere, it was a challenge to learn how to create an online mindmap, but it was worth it and I´m fascinated with my result. In particular, it´s about vertebrate and invertebrate animals to Natural Sciences and focused on 4º grade of Primary Education. Finally, I included a Kahoot, which was carried out by Nrichardsonto review some concepts and some videos from Happy LearningSo please, take a look!

It´s awesome, isn´t it? 

Take care of yourself, stay at home and happy Easter Week!


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